We're delighted to welcome you to the MERYC Conference 2024 in person at Newcastle University for a day of sharing research and practice with colleagues from across the country and beyond!
This one-day conference will offer a mix of presentations, workshops, and opportunities for discussion on what we are learning from young children under five years old, their families and caregivers about music, and music education in today’s world.
We're looking forward to exploring together what might be effective approaches for listening and making music with children to support and mentor musicality in practice.
The day's sessions will reflect on how research and practice influence five key questions:
· What are the ways that young children’s music can be seen, heard and valued?
· What musical environments help us listen with young children?
· Musical worlds - what kinds of musical partners are there?
· What are the implications for practice?
· What do I need to develop my practice?
✴️ Lunch and refreshments will be provided
✴️ A quiet space will be available
✴️ Delegates will receive a free suprise gift
Useful information
Ride sharing and accommodation Facebook group:
MERYC England:
Newcastle University:
Download a list of accommodation options
We look forward to seeing you!