To connect globally and locally with other networks and organisations involved in Early Childhood Music Education, here are some links:
International network:
European network:
English Regional networks:
In the South West - Early Years | Take Art
In the North West - Note Weavers – Music in Early Childhood
In the North East - NYMAZ - Make Music Happen | for-professionals | earlyyears
In the South East - London Early Years Music Network (LEYMN) | Sound Connections (
Early Childhood (CME:EC) Level 4 Qualification
MERYC England promotes this flexible, part-time course for those wishing to improve their skills and knowledge in early childhood music education and gain a recognised accredited qualification (Level 4 on the Regulated Qualifications Framework, which is equivalent to a first year Bachelors degree). Based at CREC, and validated by Trinity College, London, it is ideal for Early Years Practitioners, freelance and/or peripatetic musicians working, or wishing to work in the Early Years.

MA in Early Childhood Music Education
A postgraduate combined (taught and research) level 7 qualification delivered through CREC and accredited to Birmingham City University.
Hear about the MA Early Years Music Education with Dr Jessica Pitt | CREC - Watch on YouTube
Further details are available here - Early Years Music Education Pathway Information - MA in Education (Early Years) at the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (