Early Childhood Music is a diverse field encompassing many different styles and approaches. MERYC England is a forum for connecting and exploring this diversity in a reflective and challenging way to enable growth in understanding and critical thinking for the benefit of young children and their families. We do not endorse any particular approach, but our principles are that practice be diverse, inclusive and reflective. We acknowledge that it also has to be responsive to social and cultural contexts and changes over time.


MERYC England
Researching Practice and Teach-meet Grants
Every year, MERYC England makes small awards either for Teach-meets or for research into practice. These range from £150 to £350 depending on funds available, as contribution towards a project or event focused on music with young children. They are available on application for individual or small groups of practitioners currently active in early childhood music education. We may also consider offering bursaries towards the cost of attending European conferences as an alternative to the other grants. We are currently offering 3 bursaries of £350 for the next MERYC EuNET conference in Barcelona in July 2023.
Early Childhood (CME:EC) Level 4 Qualification
MERYC England promotes this flexible, part-time course for those wishing to improve their skills and knowledge in early childhood music education and gain a recognised accredited qualification (Level 4 on the Regulated Qualifications Framework, which is equivalent to a first year Bachelors degree). Based at CREC, and validated by Trinity College, London, it is ideal for Early Years Practitioners, freelance and/or peripatetic musicians working, or wishing to work in the Early Years.